Digital on-campus examinations are delivered in Inspera Assessment*. Students complete the exam on their personal laptop, or a laptop borrowed from the Library using a lockdown browser. 

  • For centrally timetabled exams, submit a request using the exams online portal. All support will be coordinated centrally.

  • For school-based exams, the school is responsible for coordinating all exam logistics. Exam logistics should be organised at least 3 weeks prior to the exam date to ensure resource availability. 

*Note: UQ Medical School do not use Inspera Assessment for digital exams. For UQ Medical School digital on-campus exams, refer to UQ Medical School - ExamSoft

5. Become familiar with Safe Exam Browser

To support your students using Safe Exam Browser, staff who are supervising the exam should become familiar with Safe Exam Browser by undertaking the following actions:

  1. Create a test version of your exam to undertake observed user testing. This will allow you to see what the exam will look like from the student's perspective.
  2. Download Safe Exam Browser on your own device to complete the test version of the exam. This ensures you are familiar with the download and install process students need to undertake on their personal laptops.
  3. Review the Troubleshooting Safe Exam Browser page on the Library website to become familiar with common issues students may experience before and during an on-campus digital exam. You may also consider registering for a tech support workshop hosted by the Examinations team. 
  4. On the day of the exam, ensure you prepare several backup laptops (approximately one for every 10 students). Ensure you keep a record of students who need to borrow a laptop during the exam and note the laptop number they are issued.
  5. Encourage students who experience technical issues during their exam to contact AskUs following their exam for further advice and support. 

Please note that it is the school's responsibility to ensure students have access to staff who are familiar with common troubleshooting practices and backup laptops during their exam if they encounter any technical issues.