Digital on-campus examinations are delivered in Inspera Assessment*. Students complete the exam on their personal laptop, or a laptop borrowed from the Library using a lockdown browser. 

  • For centrally timetabled exams, submit a request using the exams online portal. All support will be coordinated centrally.

  • For school-based exams, the school is responsible for coordinating all exam logistics. Exam logistics should be organised at least 3 weeks prior to the exam date to ensure resource availability. 

*Note: UQ Medical School do not use Inspera Assessment for digital exams. For UQ Medical School digital on-campus exams, refer to UQ Medical School - ExamSoft

3. Reserve backup laptop trolleys

Whilst all students should arrive to their exam with a laptop (either a personal laptop or a laptop borrowed from the Library), there are some instances when students may encounter technical issues during their exam that cannot be resolved on their device. 

Backup laptops should not be provided to students who do not have a suitable device for the exam. Students should be encouraged to borrow a laptop from the Library and complete a preparation check to become familiar with Safe Exam Browser before the exam. Students who arrive to centrally scheduled examinations without a laptop will not be allowed to enter the exam room. 

To reserve a trolley of backup laptops for school-based exams: 

  1. Use UQ BookIt to book Exam Laptop Trolleys for 5-10% of students who may experience technical difficulties during their exam. Laptop trolleys should be reserved for the exam duration plus: 
    • 1 hour before the start time to allow for room set up
    • 30 minutes after the scheduled end time to allow for possible technical delays and pack down